- Details
- Capability: Community Engagement and Health Education
Project Timeline: 3/1/17 through 6/30/16
Sequoia Foundation, in partnership with, the San Leandro and Oakland Unified School Districts, developed a Project-Based Learning air quality curriculum that supports NGSS and includes current science on air monitoring, climate change, health impacts, and air quality mitigation strategies. Over a two-phased program, the project delivered four high school air quality lesson plans. The program integrated a hands-on approach in which students collected and analyzed local air quality data using stationary CanSats, devices that use consumer-grade sensors to measure atmospheric temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure, as well as gasses and particulates. Students compared the data with publicly available BAAQMD data, assess human environmental impacts, and learned about sources of pollution and associated health effects. The students also participated in a CanSat balloon launch coordinated by
Community engagement activities for the Program began with identifying and meeting with key stakeholders (school staff, families, San Leandro Unified School District teachers/science advisors, and BAAQMD experts to inform curriculum development priorities and plan student-led community events. The two-year project closed out with a student-assisted expo where students set up booths activities to share their projects. The expo was attended by local officials, SLUSD staff, public health experts, and members of the community.
- Social and Climate Change Migration Policy: Government of Tuvalu (South Pacific)
- Tobacco and cannabis exposure during pregnancy in six race/ethnic subgroups in California
- Studying Mothers and their Children at Risk from In Utero Exposure to Grandmaternal Smoking
- Public Health Effects of Increased Prescribe Burns for Wildlife Management
- East Bay Diesel Exposures Project (EBDEP)
- Expanding California Biomonitoring Database through Statewide Surveillance and Targeted Population Studies
- California Region Exposure Study 3 (CARE-3)
- California Region Exposure Study 2 (CARE-2)
- California Region Exposure Study I (CARE-LA)
- California's Strategic Plan Implementation Grants for Asthma
- Environmental Health Symposium for Promotores and Community Health Workers
- Palos Verdes Shelf Fish Contamination Project
- San Francisco Bay Fish Project
- Improve Low Rates of Childhood Lead Screening Amongst Health Care Providers
- Effectiveness of a Large Prenatal Tobacco Reduction Program
- California's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
- Collection of Dried Blood Spots from Children for the Examination of CMV
- PBDE/Breast Milk Monitoring
- Early Childhood Mortality Study
- Preterm Markers Study-2006/07
- Maternal and Infant Genetic Contributions to Preterm Birth: the Inflammatory Response
- Preterm Markers Study-2009/10
- Development of a Research-Ready Pregnancy and Newborn Biobank in California
- National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center
- Newborn Blood Spots, Collaborative Project with UCD Public Health Sciences Department
- Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology of Childhood Leukemia
- Evaluation of the Partnership for Smoke-Free Families Program
- Genetic Contributions to Preterm Birth Study
- Outcome Prediction in Children with Positive California Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening
- Prenatal and Neonatal Biologic Markers for Autism
- Ascertain Environmental Exposure During Pregnancy
- Enhancing the California Environmental Contaminant Biomonitoring Program
- CA Title 17 Analysis: Training/Certifying Renovation, Remodeling, and Painting Activities
- Children's Health Initiative - Impacts of Childhood Asthma in California
- Prenatal Smoke Exposure and Age at Menarche
- Selection In Utero: A Test of Competing Explanations
- iCARE General Population File
- Case-Control Study of Maternal and Infant Genetic Contributions to Preterm Birth
- California's Chronic Disease Environmental Health Surveillance System
- Design of California's Response and Surveillance System for Childhood Lead Exposures (RASSCLE II) System
- Data Mapping California's Blood Lead Testing Reports
- California Electronic Blood Lead Reporting Security and Data Transmission Upgrades
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry Data Analysis