
Overall description of capabilities
icon Sociocultural / Socioecomic Organization of Bristol Bay

The social, cultural and economic evolution of the Bristol Bay region is seen to be dominated by tie cycle of resource availability, and focussed primarily on the red salmon runs of summer. The non-summer cycle is seen to vary by subregion and by differential reliance on mastal (small sea mammals) or lacustrine/riverine (carilmu and mcose) adaptat ions. While these patterns mntinue to exert a mntrolling influence on the socioeconomic and sociocultural relations of the study rqion, signif imnt changes have occurred as a result of four factors; first, from increased time devoted to commercial fishing, second, an increased level of ~sh income has altered the mntext of subsistence ~suits, third, state and federal regulations (e.g., Limited Entry) whidh have created new structural li mitat ions to resource ut ilizat ion and, fourth, the intrcduct ion of capital-intensive, highly efficient technology that has served to maintain the traditional distribution of returns between resident and non-resident fishermen.

The population of the region reflects a mmmon pattern in rural Native regions of Alaska. Males represent 53% of the Poplation, while the age distribution of the region is roughly hi-modal with more than half the population under the age of 24. The ethnic distribution of the regions’s population has remained relatively amstant (76.3% Native in 1970 versus 75.6% in 1980). Most Bristol Bay villages experienced stable or declining ppulation between 1960 and 1980. Population change was found to be tied more to patterns of immigration and intra-regional movement than to patterns of natal ity and mortality. The bulk of the increase in non-Native population was centered in Dillingham. The Bristol Bay economy is kased primarily cm tie annual red salmon harvests and, as a result, has been subject to corresponding surges and declines in that resource. The late 1970s and early 1980s, however, have seen several record harvests and, where price per pound was high, in record earning levels. Earnings in other sectors of the economy have been relatively stable with two except ions; first, in the recreation industry where gradually increasing incomes have been the rule and, second, in civilian government activi~ whidh has grown from 7% of total income in 1970 to 15% in 1980.

Non-residents are seen to derive approximately 57% of the total earnings generated by the Bristol Bay fishery. This income leakage is compounded by the fact that fuel, major commercial products, and a major prtion of locally consumed food are purdhased from outside the region. The processing sector of the economy has diversified in response to increased competition from smaller processors and fish buyers. Most canneries now commit a prtion of their fish to fresh, fresh frozen and special-pack products. The growth of the market for fresh salmon is seen to supprt the mntinued viability of the fishery and the higher levels of income attain~ in the last few years. The potent ial effects of longer-term price contracts between the processors and fishermen will also contribute toward higher earnings and investment security for the fishermen and processors alike. The role of foreign capital investment in the fishery, in response to greater exclusionaq efforts on the part of the U.S. in its domestic fisheries, is seen as a significant and growing concern of both fishermen and remaining domestically-controlled pr-



  1. Technical support of Title 17, California Code Of Regulations
  2. Analysis of Title 17, California Code Of Regulations
  3. Solar Electricity System for Rosa Parks Elementary School
  4. Calbug: Database Using Arthropods to Examine the Impact of Climate Change and Habitat Modification
  5. China-California: Environmental Health Training Program
  6. Global Climate Change and Public Health: Planning a Regional China GEOHEALTH Hub
  7. Insect Diversity and Niche Specialization in Giant Sequoias
  8. Systematics of Window Flies
  9. Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids
  10. Reproductive Effects of Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water
  11. Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormones in Pregnancy and Infants in Southern California
  12. HIA Program Development
  13. Placer County Biomass Energy Facility
  14. San Francisco Bay Seafood Consumption Study
  15. Develop Mid-trimester Screening Algorithms for Early Onset Preeclampsia
  16. Phytoestrogen and Time to Pregnancy
  17. Tobacco Exposure in Pregnant Women in Minority Populations
  18. Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy Air in the Imperial Valley, California near the U.S.-Mexico Border
  19. Neuro-Developmental Disabilities Screening and Assessment in Uganda
  20. Genome-Wide Association Study of Childhood Leukemia by Hispanic Status
  21. Characterization of CFTR Mutations Among Non-White CF Patients
  22. Building Capacity for Health Impact Assessment at State and Territorial Health Agencies
  23. Perinatal Exposure to Airborne Pollutants and Associations with Autism Phenotype
  24. Designing a Next Generation Science Standards Ready Air Quality Science High School Curriculum (Phase I and II)
  25. Social and Climate Change Migration Policy: Government of Tuvalu (South Pacific)
  26. Tobacco and cannabis exposure during pregnancy in six race/ethnic subgroups in California
  27. Studying Mothers and their Children at Risk from In Utero Exposure to Grandmaternal Smoking
  28. Public Health Effects of Increased Prescribe Burns for Wildlife Management
  29. East Bay Diesel Exposures Project (EBDEP)
  30. Expanding California Biomonitoring Database through Statewide Surveillance and Targeted Population Studies
  31. California Region Exposure Study 3 (CARE-3)
  32. California Region Exposure Study 2 (CARE-2)
  33. California Region Exposure Study I (CARE-LA)
  34. California's Strategic Plan Implementation Grants for Asthma
  35. Environmental Health Symposium for Promotores and Community Health Workers
  36. Palos Verdes Shelf Fish Contamination Project
  37. San Francisco Bay Fish Project
  38. Improve Low Rates of Childhood Lead Screening Amongst Health Care Providers
  39. Effectiveness of a Large Prenatal Tobacco Reduction Program
  40. California's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
  41. Collection of Dried Blood Spots from Children for the Examination of CMV
  42. PBDE/Breast Milk Monitoring
  43. Early Childhood Mortality Study
  44. Preterm Markers Study-2006/07
  45. Maternal and Infant Genetic Contributions to Preterm Birth: the Inflammatory Response
  46. Preterm Markers Study-2009/10
  47. Development of a Research-Ready Pregnancy and Newborn Biobank in California
  48. National Newborn Screening and Genetics Resource Center
  49. Newborn Blood Spots, Collaborative Project with UCD Public Health Sciences Department
  50. Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology of Childhood Leukemia