
Overall description of capabilities

This report provides in-depth analysis of socioeconomic trends in Aleutian Island communities potentially affected by oil and gas industry activities in the Bering Sea – an area rich in offshore petroleum and fishery resources. This early study provided federal analysts with a valid basis for assessing oil and natural gas development scenarios then being considered for the North Aleutian Basin (NAB) planning area, and an historical basis for assessing long-term social and economic change in the region. The NAB was placed under a drilling moratorium in 2010, with offshore oil and gas exploration suspended through 2017.

IAI’s Technical Report 093 describes social and economic aspects of life in Cold Bay, Alaska as these were observed in the early 1980s. Trends analysis indicated that future economic and population growth would likely remain limited in this remote community, particularly in the absence of OCS development. At the time of the study, Cold Bay was home to just under 200 persons, most of whom were reliant on jobs in the maritime transportation sector. The 1983 forecast has proven to be correct over time; the town was home to only 108 persons in 2010, and economic growth continues to be constrained by its remote location and by limited involvement in the region’s commercial fishing industry.

This report examines Unalaska-Dutch Harbor in relation to prospective offshore oil and gas lease sale activities in the early 1980s. The study was conducted during an initial period of growth in the commercial fishing sector, and prediction of significant fisheries-specific economic expansion and demographic change held true over the subsequent decades. Unalaska-Dutch Harbor leads the nation in the production and processing of seafood, and continues to function as the center of commerce and transportation for this vast maritime region of Alaska.

  • Sociocultural/Socioeconomic Organization of Bristol Bay: Regional and Subregional Analyses. 1984. TR-103. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. Anchorage, Alaska.

The aim of this study was to develop a valid understanding of current conditions and trends in the socioeconomic structure and organization of communities in the Bristol Bay region. Results were intended to serve as a basis for future forecasts and analyses of human-ecological impacts potentially resulting from proposed Lease Sale 92 in the North Aleutian Basin planning area. The study underscored the perennial importance of the salmon harvest to Alaska Native residents and the fact that subsistence economies in the region were becoming increasingly integrated with the market economy. Social and economic aspects of life in Bristol Bay communities remain..

  • Workshop Proceedings: Monitoring Sociocultural and Institutional Change in the Aleutian-Pribilof Region. Technical Report 126. 1985. Prepared for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. Anchorage, Alaska. 228 pp.

This report summarizes workshops convened by the Minerals Management Service to improve monitoring of OCS-related social change along the coast of Alaska. The meetings resulted in expert deliberation regarding necessary elements of an effective socioeconomic research, assessment, and monitoring program under NEPA. Among other results, participants determined that: measurable indicators of social and economic change are essential for effective impact assessment; key public sector decision-makers, industry representatives, and members of potentially affected communities should be actively involved in the identification of essential monitoring variables, thereby increasing topical salience and validity of measurement; and that regional analysts should continue to address challenges associated with the parsing of background sources of change from changes related to offshore oil and gas development.

Technical Report 127 provides thorough assessment of social-institutional change in Nome for the period 1980 through 1986. The project was undertaken to develop and test a framework for monitoring social changes related and unrelated to offshore oil and gas development in this and other coastal regions of Alaska. A wide range of social indicators were examined as elements of the framework, including: local demographic conditions, patterns of land use, political control, social organization, economic growth and production, health and social welfare, and education. The work led to an improved understanding of ongoing institutional changes in Alaska communities and how these can be differentiated from potential and actual changes related to large-scale development on the OCS.


  1. Hawaii Handline Project 2009
  2. IAI Social Science Research in the U.S. Virgin Islands
  3. Socioeconomic Impact Assessment in a Complex Economic Environment
  4. Social Assessment Kootenai National Forest
  5. Fishing, Seafood, and Community Research in the Main Hawaiian Islands: A Case Study of Hanalei Bay, Kaua‘i
  6. Sociocultural / Socioeconomic Organization of Bristol Bay
  7. Technical support of Title 17, California Code Of Regulations
  8. Analysis of Title 17, California Code Of Regulations
  9. Solar Electricity System for Rosa Parks Elementary School
  10. Calbug: Database Using Arthropods to Examine the Impact of Climate Change and Habitat Modification
  11. China-California: Environmental Health Training Program
  12. Global Climate Change and Public Health: Planning a Regional China GEOHEALTH Hub
  13. Insect Diversity and Niche Specialization in Giant Sequoias
  14. Systematics of Window Flies
  15. Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids
  16. Reproductive Effects of Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water
  17. Perchlorate and Thyroid Hormones in Pregnancy and Infants in Southern California
  18. HIA Program Development
  19. Placer County Biomass Energy Facility
  20. San Francisco Bay Seafood Consumption Study
  21. Develop Mid-trimester Screening Algorithms for Early Onset Preeclampsia
  22. Phytoestrogen and Time to Pregnancy
  23. Tobacco Exposure in Pregnant Women in Minority Populations
  24. Reduce Exposure to Unhealthy Air in the Imperial Valley, California near the U.S.-Mexico Border
  25. Neuro-Developmental Disabilities Screening and Assessment in Uganda
  26. Genome-Wide Association Study of Childhood Leukemia by Hispanic Status
  27. Characterization of CFTR Mutations Among Non-White CF Patients
  28. Building Capacity for Health Impact Assessment at State and Territorial Health Agencies
  29. Perinatal Exposure to Airborne Pollutants and Associations with Autism Phenotype
  30. Designing a Next Generation Science Standards Ready Air Quality Science High School Curriculum (Phase I and II)
  31. Social and Climate Change Migration Policy: Government of Tuvalu (South Pacific)
  32. Tobacco and cannabis exposure during pregnancy in six race/ethnic subgroups in California
  33. Studying Mothers and their Children at Risk from In Utero Exposure to Grandmaternal Smoking
  34. Public Health Effects of Increased Prescribe Burns for Wildlife Management
  35. East Bay Diesel Exposures Project (EBDEP)
  36. Expanding California Biomonitoring Database through Statewide Surveillance and Targeted Population Studies
  37. California Region Exposure Study 3 (CARE-3)
  38. California Region Exposure Study 2 (CARE-2)
  39. California Region Exposure Study I (CARE-LA)
  40. California's Strategic Plan Implementation Grants for Asthma
  41. Environmental Health Symposium for Promotores and Community Health Workers
  42. Palos Verdes Shelf Fish Contamination Project
  43. San Francisco Bay Fish Project
  44. Improve Low Rates of Childhood Lead Screening Amongst Health Care Providers
  45. Effectiveness of a Large Prenatal Tobacco Reduction Program
  46. California's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program
  47. Collection of Dried Blood Spots from Children for the Examination of CMV
  48. PBDE/Breast Milk Monitoring
  49. Early Childhood Mortality Study
  50. Preterm Markers Study-2006/07